Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Days in Pictures - Sept. 29 08

Shofar, ahem, so good... that pun was unavoidable. At least it wasn't me who said it this time.

Sept 29 2008

Something about cataloging produces immense weirdness...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Special Edition... Or what happens to them doodles #1

This is the concept sketch...
Followed by some nicely drawn gals and gents done in my good sketchbooks

And thus I populated the foreground
And then some people for the background
People in place...
And then colour and text! Yay BookThug ( a publishing company where my friend works)!

The Days in Pictures - Sept. 26 08

The original calendar project was about counting down. It wasn't much fun to just work with the dates... so I'm now going to work with the OED Word of the Day. Look and learn!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sept 25 2008

This week was ethics week. And, well, I want a kitten army... it will be an ethical army...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sept 24 2008

The first is a potential entry for the possible MLIS t-shirt contest. The second wasn't actually from class, but is a little sketch of the campus outside my building. UWO is a park that happens to be a university.

Sept 23 2008

Cataloging actually produces some weird stuff. Trust me the Dewey Decimal System is effed... certainly...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sept 18 2008

There really was no nothing to write down...

Sept 17 2008

Wintersleep's song Archeologist was percolatin' in me brain... the connection may not be particularly linear...

Sept 16 2008

A couple good ones... it was classification class... oddly enough it's a hard class to describe...

Monday, September 15, 2008

The Days in Pictures - Sept. 15 08

I accomplished two out of 3 things I planned to do... Mister T will have to wait, I guess.

The Days in Pictures - Sept. 12 08

The continuation of the Calandar Project I started at my old job... Weird fun with numbers!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sept 11 2008

Melvil Dewey, founder of the Dewey Decimal System... yeah... whatever it's a library science program.